The 5S idea may appear a little abstract at this stage, but it's actually a very useful, hands-on tool that everyone in the office can use. In 5S, everything in a place is evaluated, unneeded items are removed, objects are rationally organised, cleaning activities are completed, and this cycle is continued. Recycle, organise, and clean.

Kaizen is a method for fostering continuous development that is founded on the notion that even tiny, ongoing changes for the better can have a big impact. It typically relies on commitment and cooperation as opposed to strategies that rely on radical or top-down reforms to bring about change.

A series of steps called CAPA are used to improve a company's processes by getting rid of reoccurring problems and their root causes. A CAPA system's main goal is to concentrate on the underlying causes of certain issues and dangers so that neither corrective action nor preventative action will be required in the future.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle is a four-step iterative problem-solving method used to enhance corporate procedures. The cycle, which was initially created by American physicist Walter A. Shewhart in the 1920s, was inspired by management's readiness to adopt and reject unproven ideas as well as the ongoing examination of management processes.

Muda - Mura - Muri
This Japanese principle, incorporated in the High Rise way of working, basically means to eliminate whatever is not useful.

- Situation Analysis/Problem Analysis/Decision Analysis/Potential Problem Analysis
- Systematic analysis of situation / problem / decision options / countermeasures for potential problems in implementation.
- Think ! Think ! Think !
- Ask Why / Why / Why to come to the root cause of the problem.

Health and Wellness
By providing Our employees with healthy options and initiatives, To help prevent sickness, fatigue and mental burnout while expressing care for each individual. These incentives can also act as team-building practices, leading to a more positive company culture.